
In addition to the six shortlisted designs a further 23 submissions reached the longlist of the competition and they are featured here:


Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

with BioRegional Homes Ltd and Hill Residential

The Architectural ideas form a neighbourhood which enables a healthy lifestyle, zero carbon approach to use of materials and energy use and sustainable transport. It is designed to be sociable, with communal gardens and spaces so that residents can know their neighbours and form a supportive community through-out their lives.


Igor Russo

Long life + loose fit + low energy + liveable environment are the basic principles behind the next generation of houses. Hand in hand with a revamp of the planning system, we suggest a modular frame structure based on standard residential spaces, that allows the house to adapt to different users.


PRP Architects

in collaboration with MorgenWonen by WoollensBrook

The MorgenWonen concept, which literally translates as ‘Tomorrow Living’, delivers factory produced homes suited to a wide variety of locations and households. The high quality OSM system uses low carbon concrete components to create sustainable, comfortable and durable homes that can be built in one day but last for generations.


Jestico & Whiles

Heinz Richardson, Gareth Roach, Rhys Jones and Alex Lieu

Our concept for ‘Life in 2030+’ proposes homes where the design is rooted in sustainable principles, and influenced by local craft, culture and values. For us homes of the future is about life and living as much as it is about building. Housebuilding must cater for style and personal taste, tradition, demographic and community.


Greenspace Architects

Kevin Slack, James Bennett, Geraint Edwards, Will Haynes

Beautiful zero carbon homes clustered around communal gardens with 50% green space are adaptable spaces where a house can become two or three flats within the same footprint. Assistive tech will allow people to live safely for longer regardless of age or ability and deals with loneliness through creative placemaking.

We also acknowledge the inspirational work undertaken for Jamie Burns and Richard James from Shropshire Council on The ONE Housing Scheme, from which the ideas for this scheme evolved.



Home.e (pronounced hoe’mee) was conceived as a housing design tool that provides house designers with series of predetermined spatial arrangements to create a footprint that makes efficient use of space to create modular housing that can adapt over time to suit the many circumstantial changes that occur throughout family life.


Straw Works Ltd

Barbara Jones and Matt Bailey

This adaptable terrace design offers optimal form and orientation for efficient, passive, healthy affordable homes with decorated timber cladding and lime render. Incorporating prefabricated timber & straw Ecococon structural panels, recycled insulations and roof finishes, key design principles are: natural, recycled, breathable, airtight, insulating, passive, cement-free and zero carbon.


Am Sondh

with Colin Stewart & Viviana Fulfuc

Our proposal has been designed with a ‘circle of life’ in mind that would create a multigenerational community through minor adaptation to the one house type. The design aims for a low carbon impact by using materials such as Cork for cladding on a timber frame structure.


Sedgewick Studios

Samuel Sedgewick & Faye Sedgewick

Designed for multigenerational people this age-friendly zero carbon home fosters a sense of community, encourages friendship between neighbours and helps tackle social isolation. Designed with flexibility and disassembly in mind, this home is re-configurable through its prefabricated modules to meet the changing demands experienced as people grow.



Magdalena Urbaniak, Heidi Nielsen, Henrik Norlander Smith, Trevor Smith & Neil Freshwater

Affordable housing, driven by an ‘active’ principle. Healing social, health and climate inequalities, through rowhouses that combine standardised structure and delivery with healthy indoor climate and flexible living for diverse demographics. The homes support active interaction with the natural and social environment, allowing residents the same essential freedom.


Studio Makal

Studio Makal envisioned the Home of 2030 to take on a holistic approach, where both social wellness and good physical design makes a successful home. Community spirit is established by creating platforms where residents of different ages and backgrounds connect to one another and collaboratively work together towards common objectives.



Shell Home’s simple economic ‘shell and core’ structure allows adaptations over each home’s lifetime, including sub–division for different occupancies and integrated live/work spaces. The design incorporates biophilic principles, with integrated external spaces, biodiverse green walls and roofs, natural ventilation and daylighting and will minimise lifetime carbon, energy and resource use.


Levitt Bernstein

Responding to the premise that all new homes should be built for a 200-year life, AGILEhouse is spacious, flexible, sustainable and tenure-neutral. Designed for MMC, its interchangeable floor plates offer choice at the start and over time. Suitable for a wide range of households and locations, it can achieve densities above 100dph.


Annabel Brown

Homegrown 2030 is a playful interpretation of the terraced townhouse allowing a stronger connection between rooms, the street and the natural environment. Designed to allow people to personalise their homes externally and internally including a series of terraces, courtyard spaces and a kitchen with its own greenhouse for indoor microfarming.


Lineworks Architects

Rather than isolating the older generation into segregated communities relying entirely on staffed care, we proposed a co-owned community network. The cluster house redesigns the house module into connected but independent units. The architecture aspires to engender stronger social cohesion between neighbours, through both proximity and the ability to share space.


Artform Architects

with Hugr Homes & Extreme Low Energy

Our concept aims to put people and community at the heart of the scheme, focussing on healthy living, sustainable design and customised, modular construction. The design philosophy is borne out of the needs of the residents and the proposal is for inclusive living that can adapt to different user groups, providing all residents with easy access to communal areas, outdoor space and shared facilities.


Rob Richardson

from architectural practice Bc.Ri/A

Our proposal investigates the use of flexible structural support systems that can accommodate a number of different methods of infill – whether prefabricated or traditional techniques – to create ever changing homes that are formed by and adapt to the changing needs of their occupants.


Rayner Davies Architects

in partnership with Bolsover District Council

Life Cycle House establishes a flexible typology that can be both divided and combined over time, reducing the need to move home during the inhabitants’ life. The proposal aims to better reflect contemporary modes of living by addressing three scenarios: Multi-generational family living, Later-life accessibility and Single/Couple occupancy.


Imagine IF

Clare O’Connell, Chiara Fingland & Ellie Burroughs

This scheme seeks to address how we can make a generation driven by convenience live more sustainably. Our proposal aims to integrate the benefits of shared economies through utilising community assets on a macro and micro scale. This facilitates individuals to be independent whilst being supported by a collective neighbourhood.



Robert Newman, Michael Mitchell, Lizzie Brooke, Harvey Cullis

Our blueroots homes are centred around inclusive and resilient design. Their amphibious foundations allow for them to be built on floodplains, unlocking otherwise unusable land in the UK. Sustainable, prefabricated terraced houses present futureproof development opportunities. Whole communities can thrive throughout ever-increasing flood events, while enjoying and growing their homes.


LSI Architects

Room 2 Grow celebrates individuality in a community where people from all ages interact. Prefabricated module types can be configured to suit changing needs across generations, and arranged to achieve various densities. Easy access to amenity and shared spaces create a fully inclusive community, encourage intergenerational encounters and healthy lifestyles.


Arkilab Design Studio

in collaboration with Ramboll

The Flux House is a contemporary and configurable housing solution that promotes safety, well-being, social interaction and connection to nature. Energy efficiency and sustainability are at the core of the construction technology along with a standardized CLT panelized solution for varied typologies, ultimately offering quality control, affordability and Flux.


HTA Design LLP

The ‘Everybody House’ is a flexible home with large, simple, well-lit rooms that can accommodate single or multiple households over a long projected lifespan of varying occupancies. Different generations can co-exist with varying degrees of dependency, and the house is designed to be delivered quickly and accurately using modular construction