
The Key Objectives:

Age friendly and inclusive living

Phase One
  • Contextual response for a range of densities: 30- 75 dwellings per ha (non-site specific)

  • Placemaking & social interaction opportunities

  • Access to outdoor space designed to encourage and enable activities to support social connectivity, health and well-being

  • Planning of spaces and services that enable re-configuration over time

  • Accommodating a variety of uses

  • Accessible and adaptable design, in the context of the Government’s forthcoming review of the Building Regulations for Part M: Access to and use of buildings

Phase Two

A site-specific set of proposals illustrating a proposal for 2-3 typologies in a streetscape setting with unit plans, sections and Illustrative details, 3D models [Drawing Scale – refer to competition conditions] showcasing:

  • Adaptability of homes for re-configuration of spaces and functions over time

  • Integration of social and physical infrastructure to promote inclusiveness, social connections (including intergenerational), community cohesion and healthy living

  • Promotion of positive social interaction to good mental health and wellbeing outcomes

  • Ease of access from door to local amenities and wider public transport

Low environmental impact

Phase One
  • Minimal energy demand through fabric and system efficiency

  • Low carbon technologies

  • Low embodied carbon in construction and supply chain

Phase Two
  • Fabric and system efficiency attributes

  • Anticipated performance in-use

  • Template for material efficiency and whole life carbon reduction

  • Template for efficient and responsible sourcing

Healthy Living

Phase One
  • Design and technologies to optimise internal environment

  • Resilience to climate change impacts

  • Designed to encourage healthy lifestyles/keeping active (including for ageing people)

  • Appropriate digital solutions to meet the needs of wider age-groups and which are simple and easy to use

Phase Two
  • Template for internal environment quality and wellbeing

  • Anticipated performance to adapt to climate change

  • Integration of digital infrastructure - home working, support/care needs, social interaction and community engagement

DELIVERABLE and scalable

Phase One
  • Modern construction and methods to deliver construction quality at scale

  • Replicability & mass customisation for varied build typologies and contexts

  • Responsible and efficient material use

Phase Two
  • Buildability – Details/drawings/illustrations

  • Quality Indicators (e.g. Speed of delivery, quality control)

  • Cost and deliverability – Innovation Cost vs Capital cost, Pre-manufactured Value; Prototype costs, Costs at scale

Evaluation Panel

The Evaluation Panel are:

  • Peter Freeman, former Chief Executive and Founder of Argent LLP (panel chair)

  • Sadie Morgan, Director, dRMM architects and Board Member, Homes England

  • Stephen Kinsella, Chief Land and Development Officer & Executive Director, Homes England

  • Jeremy Porteus, CEO, Housing Learning Improvement Network (LIN)

  • Lynne Sullivan, Principal LSA Studio, Chair of the Good Homes Alliance and RIBA Architect Adviser

In the event of an Evaluation Panel member being unable to continue to act through illness or any other cause, the client group, in consultation with the Home of 2030 delivery consortium, reserves the right to appoint an alternative Panel member.

[UPDATED: 11.05.2020]