Please find to follow initial FAQ’s.

Q1. What is the rationale behind the Home of 2030 design competition?

A1. The Home of 2030 competition seeks to develop homes that will help tackle the key challenges facing our society. It focuses on solving multiple issues: harnessing new and evolving designs and technologies for a low carbon and highly energy efficient future, generating new typologies and solutions that are age friendly and inclusive and addressing comfort and wellbeing in homes. The competition is focused on deliverability, cost-effectiveness and design quality, addressing gaps that may be in the market, whether that be due to demographic changes in an ageing population, the increasing demands on our health care system, or patterns in our working lives and the increasing demand for smarter technology.

The public engagement carried out in formulating the brief for the competition shows emerging recognition that there is a general dissatisfaction with current housing options and a growing appetite for fresh thinking and innovation to encourage greater inclusiveness and increased action on climate change. This, when coupled with age inclusiveness, contributes to greater independence, healthy ageing and better support mechanisms in times of crisis.

Q2. Could you summarise what you are looking for in the responses to the brief?

A2. There are four themes in the competition.

  1. Age friendly and inclusive living

  2. Low environmental impact

  3. Healthy living

  4. Deliverable and scalable

The brief for Phase 1 of the competition is not onerous. It invites teams to illustrate a deliverable and flexible housing concept which draws from multiple disciplines and can be configured at different densities and scales. It is not site-specific and as such enables the focus to be on the home. Entries are submitted anonymously and after evaluation, a shortlist of six entries will be identified and selected to progress to Phase 2.

The Phase 2 brief will require shortlisted teams to develop their concept from Phase 1 in a high level of detail to satisfy the requirement for a deliverable product which meets detailed competition criteria requirements. The Phase 2 brief will centre on a defined site within a parcel of up to 100 homes proposed within a large-scale phased mixed development with key infrastructure in place.

Q3. Who can apply?

A3. We are hoping to stimulate diverse ideas, designs, products and solutions from across the industry and are seeking submissions from designers, developers, SMEs, contractors, funders and product suppliers, as well as landowners (including local authorities), which propose practical ideas to address the Home of 2030 brief in different contexts.

We encourage professionals to work together and form multi-disciplinary teams to develop innovative solutions which address the competition’s challenges.

Please note that the competition is open to professionals worldwide but should entrants be shortlisted for Phase 2, they will need to demonstrate that they have a UK office or use of a UK office within their team or group.

Q4. Can you be more specific at this stage about how you will measure submissions’ sustainability claims: low embodied carbon in construction and supply chain, low carbon technologies, and minimal energy demand through fabric and system efficiency? What levels will you be targeting?

A4. The Phase 2 brief will outline specific requirements for energy efficiency and low environmental impact measures and how these should be evidenced. This competition brief will be released to six successful shortlisted teams following Phase 1. The Phase 1 brief does not stipulate specific requirements however we encourage entrants to be as ambitious as possible in the low environmental impact elements of their submissions. The areas which we anticipate proposals to address include: energy use intensity in kilowatt hours per square metre in line with current aspirational targets and the net zero ambition; embodied carbon, through a whole life carbon approach; environmental considerations including responsible sourcing and designing for disassembly, referencing best practice metrics.

Q5. What is the level of honoraria offered for this competition and what will happen post competition.

A5. Six entries will be shortlisted from the anonymous Phase 1 competition and invited to take part in Phase 2 of the competition. Each shortlisted team will receive an honorarium of £40,000. There is no honoraria offered for Phase 1 submissions. The shortlisted six will be identified and have their entries publicised prior to Phase 2 commencing. Following Phase 2, competition winners will be introduced to Homes England development framework partners to explore the possibility of developing bids for a series of homes on Homes England land.

PDF of the Brief
[UPLOADED: 31.03.2020]


Phase 1 Q&A
[UPLOADED: 31.03.2020]

VIew Q&A

Phase 1 Q&A Memorandum #2
[UPLOADED: 24.04.2020]

VIew Q&A

Summary of Public Vision and Principles
[UPLOADED: 11.05.2020]