Milestone | Date |
Deadline to raise Questions on the Brief | Fri. 12 May 2023 |
Issue of Memorandum in response to Questions | Tues. 23 May 2023 |
Deadline to apply for URN | Thurs. 08 June 2023 |
Deadline for receipt of Phase 1 design submissions | Tues. 13 June 2023, 12.00 hrs. (BST) |
Evaluation of design submissions commences | Wed. 14 June 2023 |
Adjudication Panel meeting(s) | w/c Mon. 26 June 202 W/c Mon. 03 July 2023 |
Notification to Shortlist and Unsuccessful Competitors | w/c Mon. 17 July 2023 |

individuals directly involved in the selection process, providing advice or assistance to Network Rail, RIBA Competitions &/or the Adjudication Panel(s)
Candidate(s) or Competitor(s)
refers to the designer(s) / design team(s) who respectively intend to submit, or go onto submit a design concept proposal to the design competition
Clarification Memorandum(s)
the explanatory Memorandum(s) that will be issued to registered Candidates containing responses to queries submitted for clarification. The Memorandum(s) will form an addendum to the Competition Brief
Competition Brief
means the information forming part of this document setting out the requirements and constraints on which basis Candidates are invited to submit concept design proposals to the competition
Conditions of Participation
means the information forming part of this document setting out the conditions of participation in the design competition and the criteria against which entries will be evaluated
Declaration of Authorship
refers to the document that must accompany the design proposal submission as a means of identifying the author(s) of the proposals and by which such author(s) warrant ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights in respect of the submitted design
Adjudication Panel(s)
the Panel(s) who will evaluate the design concept proposals submitted in response to the requirements set out in the Competition Brief & the Conditions of Participation
RIBA Architect Adviser
the architect appointed by RIBA Competitions to support the selection process, provide technical advice & be a member of the Adjudication Panel that will evaluate the design concept proposals submitted to the competition
RIBA Competitions
means the Competitions team at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) who are assisting Network Rail with the management & administration of the design ideas competition
means RIBA Competitions’ digital e-tender portal and via which Registered Candidates will be provided with supporting information and then submit the Competition deliverables in electronic format
means the Unique Registration Number issued to Candidates by RIBA Competitions on completion and submission of the on-line request form. The URN will consist & be pre-fixed by ‘NR’ followed by the assigned registration number ‘#’
the author(s) of the winning design concept proposals
Waterloo Station by Terence Cuneo (1967), Science Museum Group
Competition Promoter
The Promoter of the Competition is Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd.
Organisation and Enquiries
The Competition is being managed and administered by RIBA Competitions on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd. RIBA Competitions involvement will conclude at the end of the second phase of the Competition with the announcement of the result and the identification of the overall Winner.
Representatives from Network Rail, the RIBA Architect Adviser or any other members of the Adjudication Panels should not be solicited for information as this may lead to disqualification from the process. All queries relating to the competition should be directed in the first instance to:
RIBA Competitions
++44 (0) 207 307 5355
Please refer to Section 10[c] for the means and deadline for raising formal clarification queries.
Competition Programme
The anticipated Competition programme, which may be subject to variation, is as follows:
Phase 1: Design Ideas Competition
Phase 2: Short-listed Concept Development
Milestone Date Shortlist issued with design development requirements and feedback on proposals submitted to Phase 1 of the Competition w/c Mon. 17 July 2023 Individual design approach workshop meetings w/c Mon. 24 July 2023
w/c Mon. 31 July 2023 (Tbc)Phase 2 submission deadline Early September (date Tbc at Phase 2) Clarification Interview Presentations Late September (date Tbc at Phase 2) Shortlist notified of Result (date Tbc at Phase 2) Public Announcement of Results (date Tbc at Phase 2)
The above Timetable is indicative only and Network Rail reserves the right to amend the programme or extend any period at its discretion. Registered Competitors will be notified by RIBA Competitions of any changes made to the programme.
Phase 1:
Design Ideas Competition
10.a. Eligibility
The Competition is open internationally to professional practitioners within the fields of art, design, engineering and/or architecture.
Students of the aforementioned disciplines may also enter the Competition as individuals, collectively, or members of a wider team. Students must be enrolled on a related course at a recognised higher education establishment, or have graduated from such within 18 months of the date of the launch of the Competition (i.e. graduation on, or after 25 Oct. 2021).
Candidates should note, however, that in keeping with UK Government sanctions prohibiting the provision of architectural, engineering and design services to persons connected with Russia, competition entries are similarly not being sought at this time from individuals or organisations based in Russia.
Where a team includes individuals that are part way through their studies, or recent graduates, as well as a design professional practitioner, the team should register under the professional practitioner category and pay the appropriate registration fee.
Network Rail is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive community. Competitors will not be excluded on the grounds of sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race, marital status, disability, age, religion, belief or sexual orientation.
Competitors should bear in mind the output requirements of both the Design Ideas phase and subsequent Concept Development phase. Cross-discipline collaboration is encouraged, as is collaboration between individuals and organisations of different size, expertise and experience.
The following parties are excluded from participating in the Competition and may not compete or assist a Competitor in any way:
- Members of the Adjudication Panel(s), anyone employed by the Promoter, their Advisers, or any third party who is connected to or supporting the selection process (including assistance in the development of the Competition briefing material).
- Anyone who is closely related or has any kind of dependence, or close professional relationship to a member of the Adjudication Panel(s), their Advisers, or any third party who is connected to or supporting the selection process (including assistance in the development of the Competition briefing material).
10.b. Adjudication Panel members
The Adjudication Panel (which may be subject to change) is expected to comprise:
Name | Affiliation |
Sarah Gaventa MA (RCA) Hon. FLI, Hon. FRIBA | Panel Chair |
Frank Anatole RIBA FRSA | Principal Architect, Network Rail |
Violetta Boxill BA Hons., MA (RCA) | Creative Director, Alexander Boxill |
Margaret Calvert OBE, RDI | Graphic Designer & Typographer |
Anthony Dewar FICE FRSA | Professional Head Buildings and Architecture, Network Rail |
Crispin Jones BA, MA (RCA) | Director Mr Jones Watches, Founder member of The British Watch and Clockmakers Alliance |
Jonathan McDowell RIBA FRSA | Director, Matter Architecture [acting as the RIBA Architect Adviser] |
Senior staff representative (Tbc) | the Design Museum |
It is anticipated that a sub-set of the Adjudication Panel will undertake an initial appraisal of the Phase 1 design concepts, with a view to recommending a long-list for further consideration and selection of the Shortlist by the full Panel. The Adjudication Panel will, subject to later amendment, be provided with advisory assistance from Network Rail representatives and/or consultants employed by them.
In the event of an Adjudication Panel member being unable to continue to act through illness or any other cause, Network Rail, in consultation with RIBA Competitions, reserves the right to appoint an alternative Panel member.
A representative from RIBA Competitions will attend all assessments to document the selection process and provide procedural support.
10.c. Clarification Questions
Questions relating to the Competition Brief and/or Conditions of Participation should be submitted to RIBA Competitions before close of business (17.00hrs BST) on Fri. 12 May 2023 referencing Network Rail Timepiece Competition in the Subject header line, with the body of the text clearly identifying to which section of the Competition Brief or Conditions of Participation the question relates.
In the interest of maintaining transparency and fairness in the procedure, the intention will be to make the advice and responses arising from all queries received (other than, where doing so, would constitute a breach of confidentiality) available to all Candidates. An explanatory Clarification Memorandum will be circulated to all registered Candidates on, or after Tues. 23 May 2023. The Clarification Memorandum will form an addendum to the Competition Brief. Oral questions will not be accepted.
10.d. Anonymity - Unique Registration Number and Declaration of Authorship Form
All Phase 1 design submissions will be judged anonymously, via use of the Unique Registration Number [NR#] and Declaration of Authorship form issued on Registration. The URN should be prominently displayed on each element of the design submission and in the digital file names, as per the Submission Requirements (Section 10[f]).
Any submission that has identifying marks (including logos, text, insignia, or images that could be used to identify the submission's authors) will be automatically disqualified.
The submission must be accompanied by the Declaration of Authorship form which should be duly completed with the Unique Registration Number entered in the box provided. Each Competitor must be able to satisfy the Competition organisers that the submitted design is an original piece of work, prepared for the express purposes of entering the Competition, and that they are the bona fide author of the design proposals they have submitted. Accordingly, the submitted design must not contain any third-party materials and/or content that the Competitor does not have permission to use.
Submission of the duly completed Declaration of Authorship form warrants ownership of the Copyright to and unregistered design rights in respect of the design as its author. It should similarly be warranted that where other persons have assisted in preparing the design, assignment of all associated Intellectual Property rights has been received from such persons. Furthermore, by signing the Declaration of Authorship form, Competitors accept all conditions pertaining to the competition and agree to abide by the decision of the Adjudication Panel(s). The practice name, company details or individuals stated on the Declaration of Authorship form will be used in all press releases so please ensure the accuracy of the information provided.
It is anticipated that an on-line gallery resource of publicity images may be uploaded to the Competition web site on conclusion of the competitive process. Any Competitor who does not wish to be identified as the proposal author on the web gallery should indicate accordingly on the submitted Declaration of Authorship form.
10.e. Disqualification
Submissions shall be excluded from the Phase 1 Design Ideas Competition:
- If a Competitor shall disclose their identity, or improperly attempts to influence the decision;
- If received after the latest time stated under Section 10[g] Submission Method;
- If, in the opinion of the Adjudication Panel(s), it does not constitute a substantive return, or fulfil the requirements of the Competition Brief;
- If any of the requirements of the Competition Brief and Conditions are disregarded.
10.f. Phase 1 Submission Requirements
There are three elements to the digital anonymous design submission, each of which should bear the Unique Registration Number [NR#] only.
10.f.[i]. A2 Design Sheets
Competitors are required to prepare schematic proposals in response to the overall design challenge and in particular the assumptions, guidance and focus for Phase 1 submissions outlined at Section 5[b].
Submissions should take the form of 2 No. A2 digital sheets, but the layout should be presented such that it can be readily viewed on-screen and also be legible when printed at A3 size. The A2 sheets should be prepared in landscape format with the Unique Registration Number prominently displayed in the top right-hand corner, together with the sheet number (1 of 2 etc.). The sheets should be illustrated in a clear and succinct manner to enable Panel members to readily understand the approach and design drivers behind the proposals. The A2 sheets should include:
- An outline of the overall vision and concept for the display and communication of time across the UK National rail network and associated built environment estate. Concept sketches or other annotated drawings should be presented accordingly to illustrate the philosophy, design approach and principles, plus an accompanying narrative (max. 300 words) included on the A2 sheets.
- Visualisations depicting the manifestation of the design approach as it would be deployed at/within the new generation of small- to medium-sized modular railway stations, and particularly within its tower component.
- An outline and illustrations of the proposals’ potential wider applicability within the UK rail environment.
The digital A2 sheets should be submitted and contained within a single PDF file of <25Mb. The file name should consist of the allocated Unique Registration Number and item description, for example:
- NR#_A2 sheets.pdf
10.f.[ii]. Publicity Images
Up to 3 No. images should be provided for potential future media-use purposes, which may include an on-line gallery of all competition entries and/or a physical exhibition of selected submissions. The images should be representative of the ideas proposed and be readily identifiable as such - one of the images should be the manifestation of the design approach as it would be deployed at/within the new generation of small- to medium-sized railway stations. The images should not bear any annotations and be capable as functioning as stand-alone images.
Each publicity image should be submitted in JPEG format, at a resolution of 72dpi, with an image width of at least 1,000px. The file name should consist of the Unique Registration Number and item description, for example:
- NR#_Publicity Image1_72dpi.jpg
- NR#_Publicity Image2_72dpi.jpg
10.f.[iii]. Declaration of Authorship form
A PDF version of the duly completed Declaration of Authorship form, with the file name to consist of the Unique Registration Number and item description:
- NR#_Declaration Form.pdf
10.g. Phase 1 Submission Method
Deadline for Return: 12.00hrs [BST], Tues. 13 June 2023.
Items 10[f][i] to 10[f][iii] of the submission requirements must be submitted via RIBA Competitions' digital submission portal [RIBASubmit]. All required elements of the submission must be received by the stated deadline. A unique link for this purpose will have been e-mailed to the contact address provided at the time of registration. Candidates are strongly advised to familiarise themselves with the submission portal and allow sufficient time for their entry to successfully upload in its entirety prior to the submission deadline. Candidates are advised that uploading files may take time and be dependent upon a number of factors including individual document size, the number of files to be uploaded, and the speed of the Candidate’s internet connection.
The submission deadline cut-off shall be applied as per the time displayed on the web submission portal. The portal system will not accept any material to upload once the submission deadline has expired, even if Competitors are logged onto the system prior to expiry of the stated deadline. RIBA Competitions and Network Rail will not be responsible for any files that are delayed, lost or otherwise damaged or corrupted during transmission, however so caused. Late submissions will not be accepted without prior authorisation.
10.h. Phase 1 Selection Criteria and Methodology
The submitted design proposals will be assessed against the following criteria which will have an equal weighting:
i | Overall quality of the response, design vision and resonance of the approach with the aspirations set for a new timepiece to display and communicate time across the UK national rail network |
ii | Applicability of the proposal to the wide range of scales, situations and contexts across the rail estate and the new generation of modular small- to medium-sized railway stations in particular |
iii | Potential realisability, practicality and adaptability of the proposal as a long-lasting element of the network |
Technical Review & Selection of Long-list
It is anticipated that the design submissions will be subject to an initial Technical review by a sub-set of the Adjudication Panel who will be responsible for recommending a long-list of submissions for further consideration by the full Panel. In undertaking the initial technical review, each submission will be appraised against the Evaluation Criteria and each assigned to an upper [‘A’], middle [‘B’], or lower [‘C’] category submission according to the Table given below.
Upper category submission [‘A’] | ‘A’ grading for all three criteria | Equating to ›8/10 against all criteria |
Middle category submission [‘B’] | ‘B’ grading for majority of criteria | Equating to between 5/10 and 7/10 for each criterion |
Lower category submission [‘C’] | ‘C’ grading for majority of criteria | Equating to between 0/10 and 4/10 for each criterion |
Non-longlisted Competitors will, upon request, be notified whether their proposals were ranked as an ‘Upper’, ‘Middle’ or ‘Lower’ category submission. Requests for feedback should be received within 1 calendar month of announcement of the Shortlist.
The long-list will be identified from the upper category submissions by successive rounds of iterative debate and evaluation against the stated criteria.
Panel Evaluation of Long-listed Submissions
The full Adjudication Panel will use the scoring guide below to appraise the long-listed recommendations against the Selection Criteria and identify a Shortlist of up to five (top scoring) submissions to take forward to Phase 2 of the Competition.
Score band | Definition | Benchmark |
Score of 10 | Excellent |
In the opinion of the evaluators, the Competitor’s response or information provided is exceptional or exemplary in relation to the project and the criterion being scored. |
Score of 8-9 | Very Good |
In the opinion of the evaluators, the Competitor’s response or information provided addresses all requirements and exceeds the normal expectation in relation to the project and the criterion being scored. |
Score of 6-7 | Good |
In the opinion of the evaluators, the Competitor’s response or information provided is acceptable and meets the normal requirement/expectation in respect of the project and the criterion being scored. |
Score of 4-5 | Sub-optimal |
In the opinion of the evaluators, the Competitor’s response or information provided falls below the normal requirement/expectation in respect of the project and the criterion being scored. |
Score of 2-3 | Poor |
In the opinion of the evaluators, the Competitor’s response or information provided does not adequately address the stated requirement/expectation in respect of the project and the criterion being scored. |
Score of 1 | Deficient |
The Competitor fails to provide a response, or provides information which in the opinion of the evaluators provides insufficient detail for evaluation, and/or does not address the requirements. |
Score of 0 | Not answered |
Scoring will be by consensus with scores released to each long-listed competitor on conclusion of the competition.
10.i. Publicity and Announcement of Shortlist
On conclusion of Phase 1, anonymity will be lifted, and the authors of the Short-listed design proposals (up to five) identified. A public announcement of the Shortlist will be made after notification has been given to all participating Competitors. Please note that any requests for feedback should be submitted to RIBA Competitions within one calendar month of the result being announced.
Competitors will be required to maintain confidentiality throughout the competitive process and not identify themselves; the names of Short-listed Competitors; or the names of successful or unsuccessful Competitors; or release any design proposal images etc. to any third parties or media outlets until after an official announcement has been made, and/or any related embargoes have elapsed. In this context this includes (but without limitation) radio, television, newspapers, trade and specialist press, the internet and email accessible by the public at large and the representatives of such media.
Network Rail and RIBA Competitions reserve the right to publicise the Competition, any design submission, and the result in any way or medium they consider fit. Illustrations of any design - either separately, or together with other designs, with or without explanatory text - may be used without cost. This may potentially include a future on-line gallery of all competition entries and/or a physical exhibition of selected submissions such as those identified for further design development.
Once anonymity has been lifted, authors will be credited and recognised in all associated media and publicity.
Phase 2:
Concept Design Development
Anonymity will be lifted at Phase 2. The authors of the (up to) five Short‐listed proposals will be invited to develop their design concepts in more detail in response to general and proposal specific feedback on the Phase 1 submissions, together with the more detailed technical requirements of this phase. An outline of the anticipated requirements is provided at Section 5[c] - further details will be provided in the Phase 2 invitations issued to Short‐listed teams. This may require Competitors to seek advice from Consultants from other design disciplines as appropriate.
11.a. Process
Short-listed teams will also be given the opportunity to individually meet with Network Rail project team representatives (and/or their appointed advisers) on a further separate occasion to participate in a design approach workshop. The preference will be for ‘physical’, in-person meetings to be held in London. However, should this prove not to be practicable, ‘virtual’ workshop sessions will be held using a video-conferencing platform.
The purpose of the design approach workshops will to be to provide teams with further individual feedback on their submitted Phase 1 proposals and provide them with an opportunity to raise briefing and design questions. Short-listed teams will be expected to make a presentation on their progress, but will be free to structure the workshop as they see fit to enable them to get the best out of the session. The workshops will be confidential to each design team, with the exception of any general clarifications where circulating advice arising from queries will be in the interest of maintaining transparency and fairness in the procedure and would not constitute a breach of commercial confidentiality.
11.b. Phase 2 Design Submission
It is anticipated that Competitors will be required to submit the following material at Phase 2:
Three A1 Design Boards - illustrating the developed design concept. Detailed requirements will be confirmed after Phase 1.
Supporting Design Statement ‐ up to 12 x single sides of A4, developing the design approach, influences and key concepts. This should also make reference to the deliverability of the proposals.
Representative publicity images to summarise the developed concept and for future potential use in an online gallery of competition submissions.
11.c. Award Criteria
Further details of the Award Criteria will be issued in the Phase 2 documentation issued to Short‐listed Competitors but are expected to comprise:
Award Criteria
- Response to feedback, refinement and development of philosophy submitted at Phase 1
- Quality and distinction of the emerging design within the requirements and aspirations of the Brief
- Potential applicability of the proposals at the new generation of modular, small- to medium-sized railway stations
- Applicability of the familial language across the wider rail environment estate, and potential for future deployment at different scales, proportions and/or formats
- Practicality, with balance of creativity versus pragmatism, such that the proposals will offer potential for realisation at scale and cost-effective implementation within the rail environment
11.d. Evaluation Panel
The Panel that will evaluate the Phase 2 submissions is expected to consist of senior representation from Network Rail, together with representatives from the creative industries and/or rail sector and a sub-set of the Phase 1 Panel members. It is anticipated that the Panel will be confirmed prior to the commencement of Phase 2.
A representative from RIBA Competitions will not score but will attend the clarification interview meetings to document the selection process and provide procedural support.
The Evaluation Panel will be provided with advisory assistance from Network Rail representatives, and/or other consultants employed by them. In the event of a Panel member being unable to continue to act through illness or any other cause, Network Rail, in consultation with RIBA Competitions, reserves the right to appoint an alternative Panel member.
11.e. Clarification Interview Presentations
The Shortlist will be invited to present their proposals to the Evaluation Panel at a clarification interview. The purpose of the interviews will be to provide Competitors with an opportunity to explain their proposals, and to enable Panel members to seek clarification on any issues that are un-clear from their initial appraisal of the submission return. The preference will be for in-person presentations and the current intention is that these will be held in London. However, should this prove not to be possible, ‘virtual’ clarification interview presentations will be held using a video-conference platform.
11.f. Announcement of Result and Publicity
As for Phase 1, Network Rail and RIBA Competitions will reserve the right to publicise the project, any design submission, and the result in any way or medium they consider fit.
11.g. Design Fund Honoraria
Each Short-listed Competitor who submits a set of developed design proposals in accordance with the Phase 2 requirements and who gives a clarification interview presentation will receive an honorarium payment of GBP £7,000 (+VAT). Network Rail will undertake to make the honorarium payments within 30 calendar days of the clarification interview presentations and on submission of an Invoice to RIBA Competitions. The Winner of the Competition will receive an additional Honorarium payment of GBP £35,000 (+VAT) on assignment of all existing and future Intellectual Property rights in the winning design (see Section 11h below). No payments will be made in respect of the Phase 1 Design Ideas Competition phase.
11.h. Intellectual Property
It is anticipated that future development and implementation of the submission (and design elements thereof) judged to be the best overall response to the Competition will be undertaken by Network Rail - and/or others on its behalf - without further input of the author(s) of the winning design proposals. Accordingly, Network Rail intends to pay GBP £35,000 (+VAT) for the assignment of all existing and future Intellectual Property rights in the winning design. It shall be a condition of participation that the author(s) of the winning proposals shall thereupon irrevocably waive, for the benefit of Network Rail (and successor organisations), all moral rights in the design to which the author(s) are entitled. The GBP £35,000 (+VAT) payment will constitute payment in full for all purposes for which the winning proposals may be applied by Network Rail and any successor organisations.
The author(s) of the winning design proposals will be duly recognised in publicity associated with the Competition and any future project roll-outs, as well as being permitted to identify themselves as such within their marketing materials etc.