The Competition promoter is the Estate Regeneration Team of Brighton & Hove City Council.
The Competition is being managed and administered by RIBA Competitions. All queries relating to the competition should be directed in the first instance to:
RIBA CompetitionsThe Promoters, the RIBA Architect Adviser, nor any other member of the Judging Panel should be solicited for information, as this may lead to disqualification from the competition.
The competition will be held over three phases as outlined under Invitation & Competitiion Format.
The competition is open to fully qualified architects who are registered to practice in the UK with the Architects Registration Board (ARB). At Phase 2, the authors of the four short-listed schemes will be required to demonstrate their ability to assemble a team (with consultants from other appropriate design disciplines) capable of delivering the project.
On appointment for further development, the winning architects for all four sites will be required to arrange for professional indemnity insurance cover to the value of £1,000,000 for each and every claim. £5,000,000 public liability insurance cover will be required in respect of all four sites. It is anticipated that those bidders who do not currently hold the required level of insurance will include the cost of acquiring the required insurance cover within their Phase 2 costings submission.
The following parties are excluded from participating in the Competition and may not compete or assist a Competitor in any way:
The Judging Panel [which may be subject to change] is expected to comprise:
Name | Affiliation |
Simon Barker * | Barker Shorten Architects LLP [acting as the RIBA Architect Adviser] |
TBC * | Estate Regeneration Team, Brighton & Hove City Council |
TBC * | Property & Investment, Brighton & Hove City Council |
TBC * | Housing Manager, Brighton & Hove City Council |
TBC | Local artist or similar representative from cultural sector |
TBC | Biosphere Partnership |
TBC | Brighton University (Architecture Faculty) |
James Porter ** | RIBA Competitions (Competitions Consultant) |
* Denotes those Members who will also form part of the Technical Panel tasked with identifying a long-list of schemes for public consultation.
** James Porter will attend the assessments to document the selection process and provide procedural support. Representatives from Brighton & Hove City Council [together with their appointed Consultants] may also attend the assessment meetings to provide technical advice, support and input.
In the event of a Judging Panel member being unable to continue to act through illness or any other cause, the Promoter, in consultation with RIBA Competitions, reserves the right to appoint an alternative Panel member.
The role of the Judging Panel will be to make a recommendation for consideration and ratification by Brighton & Hove City Council's Housing Committee, with whom the final decision on the appointment of the winning teams will rest.
The anticipated programme, which may be subject to variation, is as follows:
Task | Proposed Date |
PHASE 1A | |
Competition launched.
Start of Pre-qualification phase with PQQ available to download from Brighton & Hove City Council |
31 Mar '15 |
Deadline for submission of PQQ returns to Brighton & Hove City Council | 24 Apr '15 at 17:00 |
Evaluation of PQQs by Brighton & Hove City Council | w/c 27 Apr '15 w/c 04 May '15 |
PHASE 1B | |
Eligible applicants notified and issued with details of how to register for the competition with RIBA Competitions |
13 May '15 |
Organised site visits for registered applicants | 02 Jun '15 |
Deadline for Competitors to raise Questions | 10 Jun '15 |
Memo issued in response to Questions | 22 Jun '15 |
Deadline for receipt of Phase 1b submissions | 17 July '15 |
Technical review of Phase 1b submissions & identification of x20 long-listed schemes |
w/c 20 Jul '15 w/c 27 Jul '15 |
Consultation with local residents | w/c 07 Sep '15 w/c 14 Sep '15 |
Judging Panel meeting to short-list 4 teams | w/c 21 Sep '15 |
Notified shortlist & unsuccessful applicants | w/c 05 Oct '15 |
PHASE 2 | |
Issue Phase 2 briefing material to short-listed teams | w/c 12 Oct '15 |
Phase 2 Submission Deadline | 12 Nov '15 |
Review of Phase 2 Submissions | w/c 16 Nov '15 w/c 23 Nov '15 |
Final presentations to Judging Panel | w/c 30 Nov '15 |
Announcement of result | Dec 2015 |
Not all the competition sites are generally accessible to the general public. Site visits will be held on Tues 2 June 2015 with the schedule organised to give registered applicants the opportunity to visits the sites that are of potential interest to them.
10:30 > 11:30 |
Frederick Street, North Laine | 10:30 > 11:30 |
Hinton Close, Hollingdean |
12:00 > 13:00 |
Natal Road, Brighton | ||
14:00 > 15:00 |
Rotherfield Crescent, Hollingbury | 14:00 > 15:00 |
Natal Road, Brighton |
15:30 > 16:30 |
Hinton Close, Hollingdean |
In order to keep attendees to a manageable number, no more than two representatives may attend from each registered applicant. Details of assembly points for the respective sites will be issued to registered applicants. Those Competitors unable to attend an organised site visit should refer to the indexed gallery of site photographs and the additional supporting information issued on registration.
Questions relating to the PQQ element of the RIBA competition (Phase 1a) should be submitted directly to the Council via the messaging facility on their electronic tendering portal (the "Portal"). The deadline for questions for this aspect of the competition is midday on Fri 10 April 2015. The Council will endeavour to respond to all questions submitted via the Portal prior to the PQQ question deadline within a published memorandum of responses. This will be publicised via the Portal.
Questions relating to the Competition Brief and Conditions should be submitted to RIBA Competitions before close of business on Wed 10 June 2015. An explanatory Memorandum in response to all questions raised will be circulated to all registered competitors after Mon 22 June 2015. This Memorandum will form part of the Competition Brief. Oral questions will not be accepted.
The submissions will be assessed against the following criteria:
Please refer to the PQQ available from Brighton & Hove City Council's procurement portal regarding the financial and business standards requirements that applicants must meet in order to register and participate in the design competition [Phase 1b]
i | Overall quality of the design approach and the proposals ability to fulfil the project aspirations | 30% |
ii | Response to the Brief, context, site opportunities and planning constraints | 30% |
iii | Clear communication of ideas to explain the ethos behind the proposals | 10% |
iv | Potential ability to be delivered within budgetary constraints for the site | 15% |
v | Feedback from local community consultations for the respective sites | 15% |
The Technical Panel will apply Criteria [i] to [iv] to identify a long-list of up to x20 schemes [up to x5 schemes per site] and about which local residents will be invited to comment. A Quantity Surveyor from Brighton & Hove City Council will undertake a high level review of the Phase 1b submissions to advise whether the proposals are consistent with the cost per m2 rates stated by applicants.
In selecting the 4 schemes to proceed to Phase 2 of the competition, the Judging Panel will additionally consider the feedback arising from the local community consultations for the respective sites.
The following scoring guide will be used to evaluate the submissions - Panel members scores may be averaged to arrive at an agreed / consensus score.
Score | Technical Appraisal of Criteria [i] to [iv] | Feedback from Public Consultation [v] |
1 | Deficient - the response does not provide sufficient detail for evaluation | Entirely negative comments |
2-3 | Unsatisfactory - the response does not adequately address the requirements in respect of the project and the criterion being scored | Largely negative comments |
4-5 | Poor - the response or information provided falls below the expectation in respect of the project and the criterion being scored | Mainly negative, but some positive comments |
6-7 | Satisfactory - the response or information provided is acceptable and meets the normal expectation in respect of the project and the criterion being scored | Equal positive and negative comments |
8-9 | Good - the response or information provided exceeds the normal expectation in respect of the project and the criterion being scored | Mainly positive, but with some negative comments |
10 | Exemplary - the response or information provided is exceptional or exemplary in relation to the project and criterion being scored | Entirely positive comments |
Further details of the Award Criteria will be issued in the Phase 2 invitations to short-listed teams. However they are expected to include:
i | Response to feedback and refinement of proposal ideas following Stage 1 assessment |
ii | Viability of the proposals with clear balance of creativity versus pragmatism |
iii | Ability to deliver the project and demonstration of understanding of Client requirements |
All Phase 1b submissions will be judged anonymously, via use of the Unique Registration Number [URN] and Declaration of Authorship form issued at the time of Registration. The URN should be prominently displayed on each element of the design submission - see Phase 1b Submission requirements.
Any submission that has identifying marks [including logos, text, insignia, or images that could be used to identify the submission's authors] will be automatically disqualified.
The submission must be accompanied by the Declaration of Authorship form which should be duly completed with the URN entered in the box provided. Each Competitor must be able to satisfy the Competition organisers that the submitted design is an original piece of work [prepared for the express purposes of the Competition], and that he/she is the bona fide author of the design proposals he/she has submitted.
Submission of the Declaration of Authorship form acknowledges authorship of the design ideas, and by signing it, Competitors accept all conditions pertaining to the competition and agree to abide by the decision of the Judging Panel. The practice name stated on the Declaration Form will be used in all press releases so please ensure the accuracy of the information provided.
Submissions shall be excluded from the Competition:
There are four elements to the digital anonymous Phase 1b design submission, each of which should bear the Unique Registration Number [URN] only.
Applicants are required to prepare schematic design approach ideas for two of the four competition sites. Submissions should take the form of x2 No. A2 sheets (x1 A2 sheet for each of the sites selected by the applicant). The layout should however be presented such that it can be readily viewed on-screen and also be legible when printed at A3 size.
Phase 1b of the competition is not seeking fully developed designs, but initial responses to the brief and the two development sites selected by the applicant. Each A2 board should be illustrated in a clear and succinct manner to enable Panel members to readily understand the design drivers behind the proposals and approach towards the selected site. This should include a site plan, proposed organisation of units/typologies, together with annotated diagrams, concept sketches and other visualisations to convey the atmosphere of the proposed developments. Brief explanatory notes should be provided and include the indicative cost per m2 rate for each development.
Each digital A2 sheet should be presented in landscape format, with separate PDF files of <10Mb each. The file name should consist of the URN, site name and item description, for example:
Each sheet should clearly display the URN, site name and be laid out with North pointing to the top of the sheet.
A publicity image should be submitted for potential use in the printed and electronic media for each of the sites selected by applicants. The image should be representative of the design ideas proposed and be readily identifiable as such. An on-line gallery resource of publicity images may subsequently be uploaded. The images should be submitted in JPEG format, with low [72dpi] resolution version of each image. The file name should consist of the URN, site name and item description, for example:
A high level appraisal of the financial viability of the proposals and their ability to be delivered within the stated project budget for the respective sites should be prepared (1x A4 single page, PDF format). This should include the indicative cost per m2 rate for each development. You must also state here your licencing fee should the Council wish to purchase the ownership rights to develop these sites without input from the author of the scheme. Please remember that this fee will be scored within section (iv) of Phase 1b Selection Criteria.
The file name should consist of the URN, site name and item description, for example:
Pdf version of duly completed Declaration of Authorship form:
Items 12.1 to 12.4 of the submission requirements must be submitted via RIBA Competitions' digital submission portal. All required elements of the submission must be received by the stated deadline. A unique link for this purpose will be e-mailed to the contact address provided at the time of registration. Applicants are strongly advised to familiarise themselves with the submission portal and allow sufficient time for their entry to successfully upload prior to the submission deadline. The portal will not accept any material to upload once the submission deadline has expired.
Deadline for Return: 14.00hrs, Friday 17 July 2015
Anonymity will be lifted at Phase 2 and the authors of the proposals for each site issued with feedback and points for clarification arising from the Phase 1b assessment.
The Shortlisted candidates for each site will be required to develop their schemes in sufficient detail to enable the Promoters, their professional advisers and Judging Panel members to satisfy themselves regarding the technical and financial viability of the proposals for each site. Further details of the Phase 2 submission requirements will be issued, but it is envisaged that this will be equivalent to a detailed feasibility scheme [RIBA Stage 2 'light'] and involve:
Short-listed teams will be invited to give a presentation to the Judging Panel to clarify aspects of the proposed design approach, the financial cost of the design and delivery of the scheme etc.
The Competition results will be published after notification has been given to all participating Competitors. Please note that any requests for feedback should be submitted to RIBA Competitions within one calendar month of a shortlist, or a result being announced.
Competitors will be expected to honour a confidentiality agreement and must not release their designs for publication, or identify the name of the successful or unsuccessful designers to any third parties until after an official announcement has been made and/or anonymity lifted.
Brighton & Hove City Council and the RIBA reserve the right to publicise the Competition, any design submission, and the result in any way or medium they consider fit. Illustrations of any design - either separately, or together with other designs, with or without explanatory text - may be used without cost. Once anonymity has been lifted, authors will be credited and recognised in all associated media and publicity.
Each design team short-listed to Phase 2 of the competition [up to four] will receive an equal honorarium payment of £5,000 [+VAT] following attendance at the clarification presentation with the Judging Panel. The Promoter undertakes to pay the Honoraria within 6 weeks of the conclusion of the competition. Invoices for payment should be submitted to RIBA Competitions.
The ownership of copyright will be in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 - i.e. Copyright rests with the author of the submitted design, unless ownership has been granted to the Council via a licensing agreement. It is a condition of entry that the entrant agrees to transfer ownership of the copyright to the Council if required and that the entrant specifies the licence fee payable on such a transfer within their submission of a high level appraisal of the financial viability of the proposal. Please see section 12.3 for further information.
The role of RIBA Competitions is limited to the administration and management of the competition process. RIBA Competitions will have no further role once the winners have been selected and competitors notified.
Following the clarification interviews, the Panel will have the option of recommending that each short-listed team is appointed to take their respective scheme to planning (RIBA Stage 3) in the first instance, or alternatively that a practice is commissioned for more than one site. In the case of the latter scenario, Brighton & Hove City Council will want to enter into a licensing agreement with the original author of the scheme to develop the proposals. Further progression of the schemes will be dependent on securing funding and obtaining planning consent.
Brighton & Hove City Council will reserve the right to supplement the composition of the short-listed design teams [which may include consultants not suggested within the competitor's bid] to ensure the correct mix of skills and expertise.
The Council reserves the right not to proceed beyond the competition stage in the event that the requirements and aspirations set for the competition are not met, but all Honorarium payments as indicated will be awarded.
The competition is being administered by RIBA Competitions, to whom any enquiries relating to the general conditions of this competition should be addressed.
Copyright © Royal Institute of British Architects 2015