The New Homes for Neighbourhoods Programme has been established to build much needed new Council homes on Council land across the city. An analysis of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land available for house building demonstrated that in order to meet the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) target of 500 homes on HRA land by 2030, smaller sites needed to be developed as well as the Council's larger sites and the regeneration of existing estates. The council's Small Site Strategy adopted by Housing Committee in March 2014, forms the context for the future delivery of these smaller sites. This Strategy emphasised that a different solution for the smaller sites is needed if the Council is to meet its housing targets and play its part in tackling the housing need. Soft market testing and informal discussions with smaller builders and architect practices in Spring 2013, revealed an interest amongst these companies in working with the Council to deliver housing on the smaller HRA sites.
The design competition is a pilot project, intended to generate design ideas for the delivery of social rented housing on the smaller Council owned sites within the Programme. The competition is seeking proposals for innovative housing solutions for the four competition sites.
Map showing approximate location of the four competition sites in Brighton
Approximate Postcode: BN1 7BS
Approximate Postcode: BN2 4BN
Approximate Postcode: BN1 8FF
Approximate Postcode: BN1 4TA
The competition is being administered by RIBA Competitions, to whom any enquiries relating to the general conditions of this competition should be addressed.
Copyright © Royal Institute of British Architects 2015