Project 2020
Design Competition

Competition Brief

Project 2020 involves exploring and evaluating trends, changes and new innovations in design, architecture, technology, materials and methodology with the aim of shaping, designing and future-proofing the Taylor Wimpey design range for 2020 and beyond, fully reflecting customer lifestyles, needs, and expectations. 

As part of this vision we are holding a two stage architectural competition to create new house typologies. In 2018 we plan to build the winning prototypes. The winner will have the opportunity to have their designs replicated across Taylor Wimpey's wider standard portfolio of homes.

Help us design our future
house type range.


Competition Launch
Monday 25 April 2016
Deadline for Stage One Design Proposals
Tuesday 14 June 2016
Notify shortlist, Stage Two Brief issued
w/c 11 July 2016
Deadline for Stage Two Designs
Wednesday 7 September 2016
Final Interviews/Presentations
w/c 12 September 2016
Notification and result announced
October 2016
Finalise and commence detailed designs
November 2016
Construction of prototypes

The full timetable can be downloaded from the terms and conditions

About us – national developer, local builder

Taylor Wimpey is one of the largest homebuilders in the UK operating from 24 regional offices across England, Scotland and Wales. We build a wide range of properties from one and two bedroom apartments to five bedroom houses.

Our aim is to build homes and communities that our customers will love, and that add to, and improve the local area. We achieve this by listening to and working closely with our clients, local authorities and local communities.

Buying a home is a significant financial and emotional investment and we aim to deliver a great product and service that goes beyond our customers' expectations.

What does the
home have to do?

In stage one we would like you to excite us with your concept, key things we would like you to demonstrate in your design are;

Design Qualities

Natural light
Space for living and storage
Flexibility and adaptability
Health and wellbeing

Functional Requirements

Plot efficiency
Adaptability to different design contexts
Replicability and scalability

Technology & Construction

Suitability for high volume build
Responsiveness to future energy requirements in building regulations
Compliance with technical housing standards – nationally described space standard
A fabric first approach
Flexibility in build methodology
Implementation of Smart Homes technology

About project 2020 – key areas of research

  • Demographics
  • Customer needs and expectations
  • Sustainability of raw materials
  • Alternative build methodologies
  • New products and innovations
  • Evolution of build materials
  • Smart Homes technology
  • International best practice
  • Skill sets
  • Unique selling points
  • Supply chain innovation
  • Strategic partnerships with academia
  • House-type design
  • Futureproofing design

Stage One –
Conceptual Design

In stage one we would like you to design one house which can be used in a number of ways, as shown below, and embodies design responses that can be replicated and scaled across detailed designs in stage two.

Stage two – detailed design

In stage two we will issue a separate and more comprehensive brief in which we will be looking for you to;

  Design and develop four homes in more detail to show how you respond to different market and demographic conditions

  Illustrate how your design combines with and responds to different contexts. We will provide you with two sites

  Demonstrate how your designs can be built using various build methodologies

  Explore cost-effective high quality volume delivery

  Continue to excite us and our future customers with your designs

Stage One
Submission Requirements

There are four elements to the design submission, each of which should bear the Unique Registration Number (URN) only. Competitors should refer to the Anonymity requirements and submit the following material digitally:

A Maximum of 2x Landscape Sheets

(equivalent to A3 in PDF format only) to comprise:

Sheet 1:
Elevations and floor plans (with indicative furniture) at 1:100 scale
Sheet 2:
3D Concept Visualisation

A Written Design Statement Including;

(maximum 4 single sides of A4)

The Concept / Unique Selling Point
How the design creatively addresses this brief
Why the design should be taken forward to stage two

Declaration Form

A completed declaration form which should bear the URN in the dedicated section on the form. Please note the team members stated on the declaration form will be used as the credits in all promotional activity so please ensure this is reflected accurately.

One Visual Image

One visual image of the design concept should be provided for publicity purposes (this will also be used in the online gallery of all entries at the end of the competition). The image should be representative of the ideas proposed and be readily identifiable as such. The image should be submitted in JPEG format, in a low resolution (72ppi) with an image width of at least 1000px.

The full submissions requirements can be downloaded from the terms and conditions

Stage one submission method

Each stage one design submission should be uploaded to the RIBA Competitions digital entry system before 2.00pm on Tuesday 14 June 2016. Further details and a unique secure link will be issued to registered competitors. Please note that the total upload should not exceed 20MB.

Late entries will not be accepted and the digital entry system will not permit uploads after the 2pm deadline. The digital entry system will allow you to amend or delete the information you upload until the stipulated deadline date and time.

You are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with the system and to allow adequate time for your submission material to successfully upload.

Judging Panel

The Judging Panel (which may be subject to change) is expected to comprise:

Pete Redfern Taylor Wimpey, CEO
Nick Rogers Taylor Wimpey, UK Director of Design
Kevin Belsham Taylor Wimpey, UK Sales and Marketing Director
Glenn Howells Glenn Howells Architects, RIBA Adviser
Sasha Bhavan Knox Bhavan Architects

Joanne Wallis and another representative from RIBA Competitions will attend the assessments to document the competition process and provide procedural support.

Various advisory panels will also contribute including future home purchasers.

In the event of a Judging Panel member being unable to continue to act through illness or any other cause, Taylor Wimpey, in consultation with the RIBA, reserves the right to appoint an alternative Panel member.

Winners & Prize Money

It is intended that five teams will be selected to proceed to the second Stage. Each shortlisted team who submits a stage two entry will each receive an honorarium of £6,000 +VAT with an additional £10,000 winner's prize fund.

The winning entrants will be formally appointed to prepare working drawings in preparation for the building of the prototypes. The prototypes will be built and showcased in England, Wales and Scotland. Should the prototypes prove successful, negotiations may continue with the successful party to create further additions to the 2020 wider portfolio of homes.


Questions relating to the Competition Brief and Conditions must be submitted to RIBA Competitions at before close of business on Wednesday 11 May 2016. A statement in response to all questions raised will be emailed to registered competitors by Wednesday 18 May 2016.

Competition Contact

The competition is being managed and administered by RIBA Competitions on behalf of Taylor Wimpey. All enquiries relating to the competition should be directed to:

    0113 203 1490

In association with

Copyright © Royal Institute of British Architects 2016