Phase 2

Other Phase 1 Design Contest Winners Invited To Participate In Phase 2 Negotiation Stage

This web page features the Phase 2 representative publicity images submitted by the four other teams who, having been selected as one of the winners of the Phase 1 Design Contest phase, participated in the Negotiation Stage. The submissions are featured in alphabetical order of the organisation leading each design team.

At Phase 2, design teams were tasked with demonstrating how the concept proposals submitted to the Phase 1 Design Contest could potentially be translated into a solution capable of being adapted to stations of different sizes in rural, sub-urban and urban settings, whilst retaining a consistent ‘national’ design language.

The Evaluation Panel continued to be intrigued by the different approaches adopted by the design teams in response to the Brief, which it was acknowledged was particularly challenging in terms of the breadth of its ambition and wide-ranging remit. The developed approaches included the variable exploration of: kit-of-parts style solutions, modern methods of construction and offsite manufacture of key component elements; measures to minimise resource consumption; the use of planning grids to enable ready engagement with landscape; data-driven parametric design; the proposed installation of inhabited bridges to serve as both station and accessible footbridge; station stewardship by community interest groups; meanwhile use of redundant building stock; together with other minor modifications to existing buildings and platforms.


ARUP, London + MAC.Atelier, Rio de Janeiro



ATKINS, London

with PRD Ltd. and Maynard


Pascall+Watson Ltd., London

with Cundall, Gillespies, LAPD Lighting Design and Fusion


WORKSHOP Architecture Inc., Toronto

with ARUP